Monday, March 4, 2013

My new computer.

Now, don't get me wrong my current computer has served me well for 3 and half years now.  There comes a time however that you realize it's time to give up the ghost and move on.  That moment came for me on Saturday when I tried to download a game called MapleStory (by Nexon) that uses hardly any graphics and processor speed at all.  When I ran the game it would load me into the world only to crash with in the first minute.

So, yesterday thanks to a surplus in my savings account (which is unheard of for me) I was able to get a new one. Here are the stats:

asus k55a-hi5014l
-Processor Speed 2.5GHZ (3.1 w/ something called Turbo enabled)
- 4GB Ram (capacity for 8 if I want to buy more someday)
- 500GB of Storage Memory
- Built in Webcam 
- Capability to connect it to a tv with HDMI wire

There is other stats, but I cant remember em all those I included in my mind are the most important.  It was shipped out today and according to the receipt should arrive between tomorrow and Monday.  I think it goes without saying that I am VERY excited!