About Me!

     That is me!  I'm Tarah a twenty something freelance writer, disabled chick, reader the adjectives and hobbies could go on and on! I have been blogging for 5 years now about a variety of different topics.  Totally Tarah comes from a long standing interest in combining all my interests in to one blog.  I at one time had 3 blogs that I updated everyday.  I would end up everyday tired and down and not really feeling like blogging.  This led to me taking numerous breaks due to burnout.  Early in 2013 I had the ah-hah moment of  making a blog about me as a cohesive way of combining them all as they were each blogs about MY interests.

That's me in Sesame Street Magazine! (age 10)

Between the ages of nine and sixteen I was part of the child cast of the children's television show Sesame Street. It was the best experience any kid could ask for, but education comes first so I ended up leaving in the beginning of my junior year of high school to pursue my education. One of my main reasons for being part of the show was to help other kids with disability's discover that there are other people in the world just like them.

In my everyday life I try to continue to try and be a positive influence on others.  My friends like to say I may be small in size, but I have a big heart.

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